58′ Sea Ray Yacht
Full Day:$3149
Capacity 16 people
sleeping capacity 6 people
2 rooms plus 1 cabin

Yacht Azimut 50 and 70
$3169 / Day – $4119 / Day
Max capacity 20 – 25 people 8 to sleep

Catamaran Lagoon 440
Full Day: $1579 up to 12 pax (over 12 pax $64/person)
Half Day: $1265 up to 12 pax (over 12 pax $33/person)””
Capacity max 25 people
To sleep 8 + 2 people
4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms a / c for 4 hours a day

Sailboat Jenneau 54 ds
Full Day: $1239
Half Day: $920
Max capacity 14 people (plus 2 crew members)
To sleep 10 (4 double cabins + 2 people in an additional bed in the living room)
4 bed 3 bath. A/C for 4 hours a day

Sailboat Beneteau 50
Full Day: $1175
Half Day: $859″”
Capacity max 12 people
To sleep 8 people
4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms

Sailboat Beneteau 411
Full Day: $1012
Half Day: $695″”
Capacity max 8 people
To sleep 6 + 2 people
3 bedrooms and 2 bath

Sailboat Bavaria 36
Full Day: $759
Half Day: $605″”
Capacity max 6 people
To sleep 6 people
3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom

65 ft. Maxicatamaran
Full Day: $4749
Half Day: $3335″”
Capacity 60 people inside the bay, 50 outside the bay 33 feet. 400 hp.
Capacity max 16 people (plus 2 crew)

PERSHING 90 4,800 hp
Full Day: $6485 the Ferrari of the sea
approx. 20,500,000 day
Capacity max 20 people
8 to sleep